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Discover the best mix between best practices & low-code designed for AI and humans.

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Swoft suite includes 3 products

The Swoft suite also stems from several conclusions our team has drawn from its decades of experience in software development:


Application projects are long and expensive for an unguaranteed result

IT projects very often go over budget and over schedule. Deadlines are rarely met. Low-code platforms generally address this type of problem, but not for really complex applications.


The business & tech border is large: specifications are not always "DOR"

Business teams and developers often suffer from a lack of understanding and communication. They have different ways of thinking, and functional specifications have to be 'refined' before they are ready.


The customer problem and design are too often put aside during framing

Business teams naturally think of the solution. Yet identifying the problem is crucial to developing a good solution.
What's more, inadequate budgets sometimes lead to UX or UI design work being neglected.


Junior or experienced profiles do not have the same weapons as senior profiles

The teams are made up of different profiles. The more junior profiles do not generally have the same knowledge as the experienced ones. Swoft helps to guide deliverables and bridge the gap between seniority levels.


Domain Driven Design best practices and principles are not applied

Developers and product teams hear about best practices and patterns. However, there are obstacles to implementing these concepts: lack of knowledge, lack of tools, lack of a shared culture, etc.

Our products have been inspired by many patterns and practices, including some references:


Domain-Driven Design


Customer Jobs to be Done 


Software Requirements


Microservices Patterns


Event Processing Networks

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